District Coordinators
Mr. Gabriel Valenzuela
Ombusperson/Title IX Coordinator/CCR Title 5 Coordinator
Email: gabriel.valenzuela@ousd.org
Ms. Rosa Alarcon-Harris
Ombudsperson Intake Bilingual Assistant- Confidential
Email: rosa.alarcon@ousd.org
Phone: (510) 879-4281
Fax: (510) 879-3678
Oakland Unified School District
1000 Broadway, Suite 150
Oakland, CA 94607
Ms. Jennifer Blake
Title II (ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator
Executive Director
Special Education Department
Email: jennifer.blake@ousd.org
Phone: (510)879-8094
FAX: (510) 451-4364
Oakland Unified School District
Special Education Department
Cole Campus
1011 Union Street
Oakland,CA 94607
Ms. Paris Pryor
504 Coordinator Program Manager,
Health Services Department
Email: paris.pryor@ousd.org
Phone: (510) 879-2364
Fax: (510) 879-4605
Oakland Unified School District
1000 Broadway ,Suite 150
Oakland, CA 94607
Ms. Trish Anderson
Title V McKinney-Vento Coordinator
McKinney-Vento: The Education of Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY)
Community Schools & Student Services Department
Email: trish.anderson@ousd.org
Phone: (510) 273-1682
Fax: (510)874-3629
Oakland Unified School District
Lakeview Campus
746 Grand Avenue, Portable A
Oakland, CA 94607